-40% loading time

Site transfer

When subscribing to their hosting offer, wanted to entrust us with the migration (transfer) of their website.


Our technical teams have therefore set up the entire transfer procedure, taking care to always check performance first.


Once the work was completed, we were able to compare the evolutions of the site's key indicators.


Our servers specifically configured for PrestaShop significantly reduce values such as page construction time.


In this specific case, the first server response ("TTFB", Time to first byte) goes from 659 to 371ms after transfer.


This impacts a lot of important metrics, like loading time or LCP (Largest Contentful Paint).


The optimal configuration of our servers and the use of the HTTP2 protocol allow efficient transfers.


This has the effect reducing latencies in order to obtain an optimized browser waiting time (“Total Blocking Time”).


The direct benefit of migrating to our servers is demonstrated by the before and after findings below.


That said, it is possible to continue to develop the indicators through software actions such as improving performance with the Performance pack.

Before transfert

After transfert

29/ 100
86/ 100
TTFB659 ms371 ms
Total Blocking Time1.9 s1.3 s
Loading time5.2s3.1 s